
Coming Full Circle
Samford Lawn, Auburn University As a college senior, it is fascinating how things start to come full circle. In my final months here at Auburn University I have seen dozens of people that I have not seen since I was a freshman. Where have they been …
Ever Consider Running Away with the Circus?
As a child, running away with the circus always seemed like an excellent career path. I planned to jump on board a train and discover a magical world of stunts, beauty, and mystery; all bending my perception of the real world and convincing me that wild …
Hidden History in the Heart of Town
Donald Relyea, Curator of the Karl C. Harrison Museum Columbiana, itself a hidden gem, is home to many surprising diamonds in the rough. Chief among them is the Karl C. Harrison Museum of George Washington, nestled against the town’s public library at 50 Lester St. Columbiana, …
Small Town USA, Alive and Well
Kameron Brown, reporting from Columbiana, Alabama Shelby County Courthouse, Columbiana, Alabama For every man and woman who grew up watching “The Andy Griffith Show”, the perpetual search for Mayberry began. A sense of belonging to a community where every neighbor seemed to love one another, crime …
Hail to the Chief: Jay Gogue Takes Office… Again
Many surprising things have been known to emerge from the moss hung kingdom known as the Okefenokee Swamp in rural, southern Georgia. The swamp is home to white lily-decked and dark waters that reflect the mossy green jungle above. The swamp is also home to the …
The Gift that Keeps on Giving: One Woman Who Celebrates Christmas All Year Long
Humidity from the muggy Alabama air fogged up Rebekah Parr’s office windows entirely. The heat index was well above 90 degrees Fahrenheit, and perspiration gathered at her hairline as she decorated a Christmas tree, just one of the 15 trees she had decorated that day. Parr …
Big Fish and Big Ponds
Have you heard the story about the big fish in the small pond? He was hot stuff back home, but one day he found himself in the ocean; all of a sudden, he was not the biggest fish in the pond anymore and he was drowning. …
A Work in Progress: The Best Design Skills for a PR Student
I may have been raised during the digital age, but that does not mean I have the inside scoop on technology. When I declared my major as Public Relations, it was not because I like working with technology, it was because I like working with people. …