

Google Analytics for Beginners Certification

Advanced Google Analytics Certification

CITI IRB Ethics Certification

HubSpot Lessons and Tutorials

Skills and Platforms

Basic Understanding of Coding- Lessons and Tutorials Taken from CodeAcademy

Adobe Creative Suite: InDesign, PhotoShop, Illustrator


Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, PowerPoint


Personal Branding Suite

Type and Image Project

Articles & Blogs

Coming Full Circle
Samford Lawn, Auburn University As a college senior, it is fascinating how …
Ever Consider Running Away with the Circus?
As a child, running away with the circus always seemed like an …
Hidden History in the Heart of Town
Donald Relyea, Curator of the Karl C. Harrison Museum Columbiana, itself a …
Small Town USA, Alive and Well
Kameron Brown, reporting from Columbiana, Alabama Shelby County Courthouse, Columbiana, Alabama For …